Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A really late introduction, by Adam.

When someone asks me to make a face I usually do an eyebrow/smirk thing. I have no idea why.

Hi everyone,

Hard to believe that it was only a week ago that we dragged ourselves out of bed at the crack of way, way, way before dawn, halfway across the world, and dragged ourselves sleepily home somehow.

At least most of us did, it's now my understanding that some people are still there - I don't know how you do it - I'm a young whippersnapper and I was plenty sore after ten days of travel.

I usually like droning on and on about how to use the blog, but since we seem to have it figured out by now, I'll just say thanks - I have a lot of fun travelling with you folks and I feel super lucky that we've gotten to do it together, some of us, for *eight years straight*? If we do end up doing another one in 2015 we'll have been at it for a decade straight. Wow.

I've had other people talk to me about big Europe trips but I honestly couldn't imagine travelling there with anyone else. Thanks so much for coming. Can't wait to play with you again.

Oh, and keep in mind this is the internet, and anything you do post here will echo through these digital halls for the rest of time. I guess what I'm saying is you should probably post all the pictures you've got of Victor's stupid penis whistle thing, stat. I'll be waiting.

Love y'all,
- Adam <3

P.S. Let's go to Switzerland next.
P.P.S. I don't care that we've pretty much visited every country surrounding Switzerland within an 800km radius. Make it happen people.

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